to boost your product competitiveness? Find unexpected Solutions by running an Ideation-Project with our Photonics Booster.
Approach our Photonics Booster, apply for an Ideation-Project, find highly innovative Solutions.
The Photonics Booster – the perfect instrument and organization to explore and define your next Innovation
Think the unthinkable, explore approaches none ever thought of, dream your next Product- or Process-Innovation, bring them to the Ideation-Projects and find unexpected, surprising and rewarding solutions and concepts. Ideation is our core-business, our goal are solutions and rewarding innovations, that pay off for your business.
… and helping them getting of the ground
The Photonics Booster – the perfect instrument and organization to explore and define your next Innovation
The Innosuisse Photonics Booster Project Pracmatic offered a valuable innovation-oriented collaboration between a broad variety of research institutions and industrial companies.
The initiative allowed us to brainstorm ideas, discuss with peers, increase our networking structure and identify solutions to improve production vield of multifunctional optical coating processes.
In doing so, the project gave the necessary stimulus for setting up a science based innovation project between a consortium of industrial partners. We are very interested to contribute to a potential follow-up project if feasible.
The Photonics Booster boosts your innovations in strong collaboration with our highly appreciated partners:
Photonics Booster
c/o Swissmem
Pfingstweidstrasse 102
CH-8037 Zürich
T +41 44 384 42 10